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Welcome to Daybreak Notes. I’m glad you’re here!

What is Daybreak Notes?

It’s a project by one human being who realized she wanted more thoughtful reminders of what’s important to anchor her life.

We’re bombarded by messages all day long, from our first peek at the inbox to the writing on the toothpaste tube before we turn off the lights.

So many of those messages aren’t good for us. But what is? It’s not a secret. We know when we hear reminders of how we want to be living. We know when we run across a point of truth that resonates — we hold it in our minds intensely for that moment, that day, that week. But over time, we forget. It fades. Other messages crowd that voice out.

Any good marketer knows that messages need repetition to stick. That’s true for your favorite brand. That’s true for any product. And that’s true for how we want to live, too.

This is a project to begin to bring those reminders and wisdom into your inbox and my inbox. Daybreak Notes comes out Mondays, with occasional bonus notes.

For now, the inbox is still the easiest way to bring you a message. I just want it to be a different kind of message.

Does any of this sound familiar? Do you want to join me? I’d love that.

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A morning email to anchor your day